Friday, November 20, 2009


Does anyone know the best self tanning product that does not cause streaks? I've tried the "mistic tan" but that was a waste of money. I was covered with streaks.

I'm using jergens natural glow moisturizer. I just started using it like 2 days ago, and after the first day, I noticed results. It's simple, like putting lotion on, and doesn't cause any streaks at all. This lotion also makes it look really natural, no streaks, no orangy color...nothing!

Even if you dont get this, I'm suggesting you use a moisturizer that has a subtle darkening complex, which means it gets you darker each use. I find it easier than any spray or lotion that gets you tan right away, because of streaking, oranging, and making yourself look way to tan. It's easier to control the tan, and looks natural.
Reply:coppertone has a new product that i like so does bannana boat, they have them at walmart walgrens and k mart, i like copertones because it looks real not orange or yellow. I paid 35 for a fake bake at the tanning salon and it only lasted three weeks then looked orangish fake.

tan instantly

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