Friday, November 20, 2009

How can I get a brief facial tan without using the sun or tanning salonz?

im light skinned and my cheeks are red due to rosachea i was wondering are there any ways to get my facial skin to be darker as in a bit browner because im asian. Are there any ways of making any tanning products yourself? Ive heard of tan sprays but not sure if they would help. I want to do it without using the sun and in a harmless ways, please give me sum ideaz, thankz

How can I get a brief facial tan without using the sun or tanning salonz?
I would suggest using the below smashbox product. It comes in a couple of different colors but I would suggest getting the glow. It will give you a nice looking tan without the sun. It is easy to use. You can either mix it with your foundation or just wear it plain.


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